
I entered his room, his room was big it was.

But my eyes fell onto something very lethal. It was a gun it was on one of his side tables.

I went near it and held it, I said to myself.

“How can something so lethal fit so perfectly in my hands”

So I sat on the bed holding it and pointing towards the entrance of his bed room

He entered the room to see me pointing the gun towards him.

He started smirking and I came near him and pointed the gun towards his heart, and came forward and said 

“I could kill u any minute and u here are smirking”

He pinned me to the wall and whispered in my ear saying

“ I am smirking because I am thinking how u will look when I am fucking u with this gun and ur moans echoing the room if u dont drop it this second”

 My eyes open widely, my hearts beating faster, and my grip on the gun gets weak

He takes the opportunity and grabs the gun out of my hands.

He says still pinning me to the wall

 “Do u wanna try what I said in ur ear”

I replied

“In your dreams”

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